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Eagleville Hospital
Home > Please Join the Eagleville Hospital Community and Guests as we Honor our Rich History as the 1969 East Coast Founders of Narcotics Anonymous

Please Join the Eagleville Hospital Community and Guests as we Honor our Rich History as the 1969 East Coast Founders of Narcotics Anonymous

Please join the Eagleville Hospital community and guests as we honor our rich history as the 1969 East Coast founders of Narcotics Anonymous. We welcome you.

Narcotics Anonymous provides help from peers and offers an ongoing support network for addicts who wish to pursue and maintain a drug-free lifestyle. Our name, Narcotics Anonymous, is not meant to imply a focus on any particular drug; NA’s approach makes no distinction between drugs including alcohol. Membership is free, and we have no affiliation with any organizations outside of NA including governments, religions, law enforcement groups, or medical and psychiatric associations. Through all of our service efforts and our cooperation with others seeking to help addicts, we strive to reach a day when every addict in the world has an opportunity to experience our message of recovery in his or her own language and culture.

Narcotics Anonymous